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Green Gardening Flea Control with Nematodes

Green Gardening Flea Control with Nematodes

Bonick Landscaping Green Gardening Flea Control with Nematodes  In the never ending quest to live more organically and naturally, there’s a new way to give your pets a break during the hot Dallas summer months through green gardening. Treating your garden with nematodes (a type of roundworm) will help flea-proof your pets and your home. Nematodes are beneficial insects who happily munch on grubs, Japanese beetles, fleas, fly larvae and more than two hundred other pests without disturbing your unique eco-system with chemicals or pesticides.

You can find nematodes at home improvement stores, garden shops, or order them online. If you order online, the nematode container will arrive wrapped in cold packs to keep these helpful creatures alive when you introduce them into your soil. The beneficial types of nematodes (non-parasitic) are toxic to pests but safe for plants, animals and humans. They already occur naturally in soil and once they have completed their dining excursion they die off and biodegrade.

Application is a breeze. Simply spray nematodes on wet soil with a garden hose twice a year, during spring and fall.  The nematodes will burrow in the ground, rooting out your flea population and devouring it. Over time, you’ll find your flea population is significantly reduced at an economical price (under $20) and your pets are scratching significantly less.